Friday, March 30, 2012

First Quarter Reflection

The most interesting work I've read this quarter would have to be many of the articles based on peoples opinions or data on the effects of media use today, it was pretty interesting because I never really recognized the concept of the authors opinion until a few days later when I was sudden;y spacing out and losing track of time on my new smartphone. I have also learned so much about writing paragraphs, it's more than just writing it's brain storming, outlining, formatting, etc... I have caught on very quickly and feel I have caught up with class expectation if not exceeding it, I do my work when I'm told, hand everything in on time, think and write efficiently and I participate very well in class. Coming into this class it felt as if my weaknesses in writing were major but after being in this class for the amount of time I have I feel that my weaknesses are slowly starting to be noticed and masked. My strengths involve writing about opinionated subjects or persuasive subjects, my weaknesses in writing include organization and punctiation. I would like to study from more of a reporters or journalists perspective. The overall nature of this course is to improve ones general knowledge and improve on writing skills and qualities.

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