Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Angst Towards Todays Peers

Recently I have noticed a steep decline in intelligence with todays youth, it is as if todays youth has no future for a better tomorrow. No one seems interested in following politics or how our country might end up in five to ten years, academic expectations have lowered and I have no faith in my generation. The only thing that teens seem to care about is a shallow and fake culture portrayed by many so called reality shows(jersey shore), not the fact that our currency has lost more than thirty percent of its value since the 1930's and I'm disgusted by it. I have interests but I must say that my interests are of a higher important than most, my goals and interests are to change the issues brought to todays society that include gay rights, abortion, limited government and many other things that I have witnessed throughout the seventeen years I have experienced.

If todays youth put as much effort into changing the social and political issues involved with America as they put into keeping their Nikes "fresh" or into social networking than people such as myself wouldn't have to worry about what this world is coming to.

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