Monday, March 19, 2012

Criticizism Through Activism

There has been a major subject that has come to America’s attention, there are many issues in this world and many charities and Activists are often met with criticism. It’s hard to understand why people don’t trust a charity or activist when they’re trying to do good, right? Well unfortunately this world is filled with selfish people that get involved with certain events or issues for personal gains and it’s hard to tell who the good guy is or even who the bad guy is.
For example, recently a video was posted to YouTube titled “Kony2012”, the video talks about a man who had an army of children and explained how he’s ruined family and committed crimes against humanity. The issue with the video is that the events they’re talking about took place more than 7 years ago and has gone away in that span of time, the video is all propaganda brought to you by a film documenter and his charity makes an excess of 4 million dollars a year and doesn’t report what they do with their excess. There are many other people who do similar things, like Bernie Madoff. Bernie said he would take your money and invest it and expand your money by a certain percent, in 2008 he was caught for money laundering and scamming his clients out of 50 billion dollars! It just goes to show that it’s tough to put your trust in a business or corporation. Even past presidents have done very shady things such as Nixon and the Watergate, it’s sad but in todays society It’s hard to trust anyone so be careful about what you see or read.

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