Monday, June 11, 2012


Many things have happened this year, memories have been made, people have clashed, bonds have been broken and you can cut the anticipation of summer with a knife. Junior year has had to have been the most stressful year in high school I have ever endured, not to mention all the stress my ex-girlfriend had added to my shoulders.
 In the beginning of the year I was really happy to come back to my old town see my old friends and reminisce in memories of when we were all younger, but as a few weeks went by I realized that wasn't going to get those memories back because no matter how long you're gone things do not remain the same. People move on people find new friends and develop new relationships or friendships and begin to forget the past. I myself had fallen into that category, forgetting all my old friends because I was too tied up with a possessive girlfriend who later made my life miserable.
 Half way through the school year I had realized that this was not how I planned to spend my life and I began researching into the study of life; philosophy. I had been inspired by Mr.Kotak, the curriculum was amazing. I learned about myths, religion and how they all correlate, and I soon realized that no matter how old all humans share one thing in common, they don't know their purpose in life so I began to sit alone for hours and think and think until I would get ideas on purpose and existence. The reasons myths are created are to tell a story of why we are here on Earth, and these stories explain to us our existence. These myths may not be true or accurate but they gave people a reason to live, the reason myths are started is to quench our curiosity of existence and death.
 So as I had started to further my knowledge in philosophy and mythology I had realized that there is no true religion, I no longer had to fear a judgment for my actions because religion is just a manmade myth. As I began to realize the truth it had made me feel free on the outside and inside, I no longer had to the things I didn't want to do, that meant no more communion and no more confession for me! My girlfriend at the time hated my idea, but it didn't bother me because I cannot remember one idea of mine that she agreed with, so I began living a more care free life while maintaining good grades and a girlfriend, but I still felt oppressed in a way of self-expression, I wouldn't be able to hang with my friends or family on the weekends without having to face the wrath of a women.
 Eventually it all added up and towards the end of the year I was single, but it didn't matter to me because I know I am truly happy with my interest in the study of mythology and philosophy along with the short amount of time I've been given to spend with my friends.