Monday, May 14, 2012

When Greed Gives Way to Giving Questions

1. The author believes that the purpose of the "windfall" is to let the readers think about how most would not be very giving or generous with their money like Mr.Thompson was, the author believes the point of t he story is to show the reader that there aren't many generous people in this world.

2. I agree with the authors statement regarding how generosity is a rare quality in most lately, I believe this is true because throughout the dawn of time History has shown us that people even do generous things for people for something in return like a reward. There aren't many generous people that do things to satisfy others.

3. I do but unfortunately if people weren't greedy or selfish nothing would ever get done properly because money is a huge motivation for people to get things done the right way, I do agree that suffering is caused by the motivation of greed and selfishness.

4. That wealth isn't measured by earning or by material possesions you can buy but about having enough or being full, the things we need to survive and the things we would like to have are complete opposites being full in the are of having what you need should be considered as being wealthy.